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6 Great Tips During Christmas Holidays for Dental Health

Written by Dr. Jeffrey R. Shapiro | Nov 28, 2018 5:32:00 PM

Everybody loves Christmas candies and cookies. We know the office has been full of treats and that you’re planning even more festivities over the next few days. Here are some tips to save your teeth over this two-week holiday period without being a Scrooge!


1. Eat in moderation

We understand that skipping all the treats is impossible but smaller portions can take the edge off the desire to overeat and fill your teeth with sugar.


2. Offer to bring an appetizer

You’ll help both yourself and your host if you offer to bring a crudite tray with some tasty, low-fat dip. Not only will your teeth thank you, so will your waistline!


3. Don’t forget to brush and floss! 

Even though you’re on holiday, your pearly whites aren’t! Think about keeping a disposable toothbrush in your computer bag or purse. If this isn’t reasonable for you, at least rinse your mouth well with water after eating sugary foods.


4. Eat a little in advance before leaving the house 

Before you leave for a party, snack on some cheese or protein-rich poultry or fish to put a bit inside you before temptation strikes. This will not only help you avoid the sugary foods but will put some “cushion” between you and the alcohol that’s often present at holiday events.


5. Speaking of Alcohol… 

Alcohol is very irritating to dental tissues and cuts down on saliva, which helps rinse your mouth naturally. For every alcoholic drink, have a full glass of sparkling water!


6. Chew gum to limit your intake

Sugar-free gum, made with xylitol, is good for your teeth because it helps limit the amount of food you eat and, since it’s not sugary, protects your teeth from the effects of sugary gum.

Enjoy the festivities while protecting your pearly whites (and your figure!).