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Dental Implants: Do They Look real or not - dental implants in NYC

Written by Dr. Jeffrey R. Shapiro | Nov 27, 2018 5:31:02 PM

Occasionally one of our Manhattan cosmetic dentists are asked about dental implants. Most individuals know what dental bridges and removable dentures look like, and the pros and cons of those, but few are familiar with dental implants.

What is a Dental Implant? 

A dental implant is a permanent tooth replacement.


How Dental Implants Are Inserted 

A titanium screw is inserted into the jawbone where your tooth root used to be. Essentially, this titanium rod becomes the root for the dental implant. Once the jawbone and tissues in the jaw have grown around the titanium screw so it is solidly and permanently in place, a little “connector” called an abutment (see photo), is inserted on top of the rod. This abutment is the “middleman” between the titanium screw and the artificial tooth. The artificial tooth, called a crown, is then secured to the other end of the abutment. Your Manhattan dental implant dentist will match the color of your crown so that your dental implant will look like your natural teeth.


What Dental Implants Feel Like 

Dental implants look and feel just like your natural teeth. You have the same function and appearance as your natural teeth. Unlike denture, a dental implant is never removed for cleaning, as it is permanently attached.


How to Care for Dental Implants 

Our NYC dental implant patients care for their implants the same way they do their natural teeth: frequent brushing and flossing, especially after meals with a low-abrasive, tartar-control toothpaste. Your implant(s) will be x-rayed at least once a year during one of your regular dental visits.


How Long Do Dental Implants Last? 

With proper care, your dental implants should last a lifetime.

If you have missing teeth, please set an appointment to visit with Dr. Shapiro or Dr. Chiarello to discuss your options. A dental implant in our Lower Manhattan dental office can restore your smile and your self-confidence!